Early Retirement - Financial Freedom (Investing, Tax Planning, Retirement Strategy, Personal Finance)
Ari Taublieb is a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ and Vice President of Root Financial Partners. Ari Taublieb, CFP®, MBA specializes in helping people navigate an early retirement. I get it...retirement sounds overwhelming (an early retirement may sound particularly overwhelming)! Does it just feel like there's so much to consider and you just want to make sure you're doing everything you can to set yourself up right? If I may ask...why do YOU want to retire early? Do you want to travel? Have you just had enough of work? Do you want to spend more time with family (or on hobbies you've been putting off)? I created this podcast to help you know when work is now optional because you have a financial strategy that tells you when you can retire. You will learn all the investing tips in this financial podcast to set up the right portfolio for your goals. You may love what you do - and if that's you, great! I'm not saying stop working. But, I am saying, wouldn't it be nice to know when you didn't HAVE to work any more? When you would only go to work because you enjoyed it (crazy concept, I know). This is the ultimate retirement podcast (specifically, early retirement!). Retiring early, also known simply as "financial freedom", is having the ability to do what you care most about, MORE!I don't want you to work unless you ENJOY it (finances aside, for just a moment)! My goal of this podcast is to give you all the tips and strategies so you can retire EARLY. Retirement planning, investing, personal finance, tax strategy, and you'll hear case studies from my clients and exactly how I've helped them navigate the transition into retirement. What are the right investment accounts to have in retirement? I want retirement planning to be simple for you so that you can retire early and maximize your retirement goals. Become a retiree and enjoy everything you've been waiting for your whole life (and start practicing retirement today)! I release new episodes every Monday with all the strategies (you'll learn that I love examples) so you can maximize your return on life (we use money to do this).
Early Retirement - Financial Freedom (Investing, Tax Planning, Retirement Strategy, Personal Finance)
Root's New Community Is Coming! (EXCITING UPDATE)
Join the new Root Collective HERE!
Retirement isn’t just about having enough money—it’s about making the most of it. That’s why we’re launching a new retirement community designed to go beyond financial planning. Sure, we’ll cover investing, tax strategies, and estate planning, but we’re also creating a space to talk about the things that make retirement fulfilling—connection, travel, health, and purpose.
Inside, you’ll be able to engage with like-minded peers, get expert insights, and explore ideas to shape the next chapter of your life. We’ll have guest speakers, live events, and interactive discussions to help you feel confident in your planning and inspired about what’s ahead.
Root clients get free access, and for everyone else, it’s $50 per month—early adopters can join for just $20. If you’re looking for more than just financial advice, we’d love for you to be part of it.
0:00 - A new retirement community
2:56 - Sharing experiences, creating initiatives
4:22 - Goal: best possible retirement
5:36 - Who is this for?
7:07 - Why join?
10:17 - Pricing
12:13 - The power of community
Create Your Custom Early Retirement Strategy Here
Get access to the same software I use for my clients and join the Early Retirement Academy here
Ari Taublieb, CFP ®, MBA is the Chief Growth Officer of Root Financial Partners and a Fiduciary Financial Planner specializing in helping clients retire early with confidence.
All right, ari, you and I talk a lot about ways that we can imagine a better future for a lot of clients, ways that we can impact more people, ways that we can go beyond what you might consider traditional financial advice, of working with people one-on-one and we talked about that before and, yeah, that's part of our vision to see how can we expand access to high quality financial advice, maybe even non-traditional ways, and we've got an exciting announcement today to talk about one way in which we're going to begin doing that and some of the benefits that we hope to extend to a lot of people. So what do we have going on that people can be excited about?
Speaker 2:We have Roots New Retirement Community and the reason we're launching this is because it's more, if you have a portfolio with plenty of money and you feel you can retire confidently for some reason because you're a human, not a robot that doesn't give you total peace of mind, and it's one thing to hear from James or I in a video that you might be on track for retirement if your circumstances look similar. But it's a different feeling when there's someone else in that community that you can communicate with who says hey, james, I was in a similar spot and I had anxiety and here's what I did to combat that and here's the trip I really took. That changed my life and you might end up meeting your best friend in this community. So this is a new root retirement community where if you want to have an awesome retirement, it goes beyond the finances. So we're really excited to launch this.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I think we talked about. What would we, what would the perfect company look like If you could imagine the financial industry never existed? What would you design? If you said we want to actually help people get the most out of life with their money? What things would you be doing? And I think, well, of course, like there's the traditional. How do you invest your money to retire? How do you withdraw your money? How do you save on taxes? How do you set up the right estate plan, get right insurance? All that?
Speaker 1:How do you have this ability to talk to people who can talk about the importance of health and what steps you can take to improve your lifespan and health span? What about people who can talk about fun travel tips and strategies? What about just talking, like you said about, to people hey, I'm terrified to do this retirement thing. Are there more of you out there? And the answer is yes, there's a whole lot of you out there, and so you and I talk about retirement a lot. Some of the funniest comments we get on YouTube is hey, this advice is so great, but how old are you? How do you even know this stuff? Which is, yeah, we're nowhere near retirement. I can't speak from personal experience about retirement and the strategies we talk, other than the hundreds of people we've helped to do this with. So this community is a chance to say yes, there's going to be some financial education is a component of it, but there's also going to be things that go beyond that. Part of it is truly community. You get to talk to people about things that you're working through, organize things.
Speaker 1:I was talking to a client one time who did he was taking this awesome mission trip to help build schools or hospitals or something in Africa. It's like this is so cool, I just want to tell the world about this, but I have no idea who to talk to. And the funny thing is like two weeks previously I was talking to another client on the other side of the country who had just done a missions trip. It was like this is the coolest thing in the world. I just wish I could tell more people about it so they could join. And I was like, okay, but if you don't have someone in your immediate circle to talk to about that, it's just not going to happen.
Speaker 1:So we started thinking how could we leverage the platform that we have, the client base that we have, the listeners that we have to say all of you are doing really awesome things. Is there a way to bring that together? To either share experiences, to create initiatives of things to do together, to almost become something that we're going to yeah, we're going to put a lot of structure into this to say here's some things that we think could be done to enhance people's retirement, but also like a lot of it's going to be driven by what do people want? What forums do people begin working on? What relationships do people begin building here? And we have no idea what that might look like. I think it's gonna be really cool, but I think a big part of it is going to be how can we support others in their pursuit of building community, better health, better travel, better financial strategies as they approach their retirement?
Speaker 2:Beautifully said. We might have travel experts. Come on, we might have health insurance experts. We're gonna have people that we think are really gonna help and make your life better. So when we thought about this community, it was less of like oh my God, everyone needs to join this or they're not going to be okay. It's more of like no, no, this is so that you have the best possible retirement ever. If you never joined it, you'd probably still be okay In the same way if you never ended up. You know, watching our YouTube channels, you might have figured retirement out.
Speaker 2:There's lots of people that are doing it, but we're hoping to do it differently. So it's really exciting because you're going to be able to ask James questions, you're going to be able to ask me questions. We're going to be in there participating alongside you, and we want this to be a true open forum. A true open forum. I have hosted live shows in the past and you guys will try to communicate through this platform. That's not perfect where, all of a sudden and you can see it on the YouTube videos as well I'll say hey, drop a comment below of the favorite place you've traveled to, and they'll say the Maldives. And then someone else will say great, where'd you stay? And the conversation ended there because they didn't get a YouTube notification to go back and check the comments. So we want this to just be an a one, all inclusive place for you to have your dream retirement.
Speaker 1:Yeah, and so who is this for? So if someone's a client of root, they get access to this completely free as part of the services that are already getting through root. We'll talk about pricing for people who aren't current root clients, but I wanted to make the point that this is available to everyone. Part of our mission is to say how can we expand access to good quality financial advice and, by the way, good quality financial advice should go beyond just the financial to connect the dots between what are you doing with finances and the ultimate ends that you're trying to accomplish, which is better living, having a better retirement, all that stuff. And so this is something that we say okay, not we root financial or financial advisory firm can't work with everyone one-on-one, for just some obvious logistical constraints in terms of everything that's required there. This is something that we say okay, we're trying to begin the beginning phases of what the future financial advice could look like. What the future of financial advice could look like, if you want everything kind of a done for you, full partnership model.
Speaker 1:We have that, and we think we do it really, really well, and that's what Root Financial is. This is something where we're not going to tell you what stocks to invest in or what tax strategies to do. We'll provide a lot of education on that, but it's more that community to say a lot of you are just asking questions, want to meet other people, want to have access to resources or experts or things of that nature at a pretty low cost to be able to get that. And this is kind of the beginning stages of what we hope to do in terms of saying, wherever you are, we want to be able to meet you where you are and provide services that are of value.
Speaker 1:So, ari, if I want to enter that community and I'm listening, I'm saying, okay, this is kind of cool. I haven't heard this idea. Why should I join? Like what I know you've talked about a little bit, but what can I expect? Are you in there every day and am I just, you know, texting you for questions or what? What does it look like if I join the community?
Speaker 2:Yeah, so there's the education aspect of it, where you get to talk to other people about what's their experience, but really you should be expecting entertainment, and that, to me, is a big draw because you're going to be able to go wait a second so, like, beyond just having the technical education, I'm going to get to like hear from you and see like your advisors work and also like we're going to be hosting different types of shows in there. And this is just the start. So I want you to have something to look forward to. My dream is every day of the week. Now, will we have that immediately? No, but my goal is for you to go. Oh, yeah, I know Ari is going to interview an advisor on Wednesday and I want to get to meet him and maybe my wife will really like him, and maybe James is going to be there on Sunday, so I'm going to be able to ask him questions, but then also one of your other advisors is going to be showing a real estate example another day. So we're just at the start, but it really is supposed to be your community where, when I think of the dream of this community, it's it's benchmarked on your, not benchmarked bookmarked, should I say right next to your email icon. So if you are pulling up Google Chrome, I want that to be right there where you're like every time I click on it, I just can't wait to see what an exciting update, what new show.
Speaker 2:Every Monday night I'm going to tune in for, you know, trivia night, or I'm going to tune in to learn a new strategy that I didn't know it existed, and I want to be able to communicate with people in real time. So we're going to have all sorts of guests come in. It's going to be just a complete hub. We thought about for a while calling it like a retirement hub, because that's really what it is. But hub doesn't really put the feel of you're gonna be able to speak to other people. So that's why that community aspect, which is what I think we all really want Like the last thing you want to do is retire and be bored, or retire and be like look, I think I know what I want to do, but like what if I'm wrong? So, ruling out now the just hey, am I going to get one-on-one guidance? Am I going to text Ari? Am I going to text James? Like no, that's not what you're going to get in here, but we want this to be one spot where, no matter where you are in your journey, you can go, and I have clients just like you shared there, james that go.
Speaker 2:Look, to be honest, I was scared to work with Root. I never had an advisor before. Now here's how I feel. Let me go tell people I would love to tell future or younger me what I wish I would have done. And then there's other people that are like look, I just want to learn. Like, hey, your clients are traveling. How often is that really happening? And what if one spouse loves traveling and the other doesn't? Like how do you guys actually navigate that? So that's what you can expect.
Speaker 1:Yeah. So lots of cool things and, I think, lots of cool things to evolve from that. And it's going to be built not on. Hey, we know exactly what everyone wants and we're going to give it as much as we got a pretty good idea. But we're also going to listen pretty intently to what we hear you say and what you're looking for in there and build it around your desires and guests. You want to see resources, you want to see topics, you want to see discussed and I think it's going to be a beautiful thing. Pricing when we talk about pricing, this is something to expand access to financial advice. So the pricing is going to start at $50 per month to get access to the community For people who are listening right now been long-time listeners.
Speaker 1:You've been with us from the beginning. We want you to have access at a much lower price. To get started. It's going to be $20 per month for the first we don't know exactly how long yet but to get in lifetime access locked in there, regardless of where the price goes in at the future. Another thing that's important to us expanding access. If you're listening, you say, oh, that'd be so helpful. I'm really trying to aggressively pay down debt. I'm really trying to aggressively save for retirement. Send us a note, we want you to have access. Send us a note, we want you to have access. Send us a note, we'll take care of you. You can send that to what's the best place.
Speaker 2:Sorry, hello at rootfinancialcom. Yeah, let's do, hello at root financial. And if you look in the frequently asked questions, which we're going to link to this, and you see a different email there, don't say, james, you're a liar, ari, you're a liar. We just changed the email because we don't. We want to make sure that we're able to get to people in a timely manner. We believe in something called the sundown rule, which really is, you're getting a response by sundown. It might be 24 hours, but we want to make sure that you don't feel like you just sent off an email to outer space. So, on the logistics of that pricing as well, we're going to put those details in the frequently asked questions so that you can see hey, what code do you use and can I really check out and all of that fun logistical stuff we all love.
Speaker 1:Awesome. We're excited for this. We love getting to interact and we do a lot on YouTube and, like you've said before, we see comments, our fun comments. Sure, you can reply, but there's not a way to build that engagement like there would be in a community. So, looking forward to having that. There's going to be one community. So, even though there's Ari's YouTube channel and James' YouTube channel, it's going to be one community for all of this, where we're both going to be involved, both going to be interacting resources, guests, things to make this an enriching experience, as people are looking to just enhance what their retirement can look like. So any final details, ari, before we wrap this up.
Speaker 2:You covered most of it. I want you guys excited because you'll send me notes saying hey, ari, really enjoy the academy, it's got me more confidence to retire, but it's still not quite there and I will send you access and James does the same. If you've enrolled in my academy and you want James access, we'll give that for 80% off, just because you already have the software and that's separate from the community. You'll see more details below, but I want this community to be your spot where you go. I think it just got me over the edge.
Speaker 2:I finally am feeling confident and I'll share this story often, but I've shadowed an advisor in the past who thought he did a really good job explaining to a couple why they were in a good spot to retire, and I could see, no matter what the advisor said, they just weren't confident. There was just something no matter what withdrawal rate it said or number of portfolio assets, at the end it just didn't hit. And I asked them after. I said, hey, how are you feeling about this conversation? And they basically said it doesn't even matter what you say.
Speaker 2:I grew up without money, I will never have enough, and that's not something that we expect someone to come out of a meeting and go yep, you fixed it. Some of you do find your best friends. Maybe you travel with people and you can see I'm wearing the root shirt right now. I hope some of you guys end up getting some root swag and we'll talk about that in the future. But you get some swag and you travel and you send us a photo going. Look, I found you guys on YouTube and I'm traveling the world with my best friend and I used to have anxiety around money and my kid just started a Roth Like that'd be my favorite email in the world.
Speaker 1:Awesome, we're excited for this. We'll see you all in the community and I think that this is going to be very cool. And we're just said we're excited. I'm going to say it again we're excited. That's it for today. We'll see you all there. The information presented is for educational purposes only and is not intended as an offer or solicitation for the sale or purchase of any specific securities, investments or investment strategies. Investments involve risk and are not guaranteed. Any mention of rates of return are historical and illustrative in nature and are not a guarantee of future returns. Past performance does not guarantee future performance.
Speaker 2:Viewers are encouraged to seek advice from a qualified tax, legal or investment advisor professional to determine whether any information presented may be suitable for their specific situation.
Speaker 1:Once again, I'm James Canole, founder of Root Financial, and if you're interested in seeing how we help our clients at Root Financial get the most out of life with their money, be sure to visit us at wwwrootfinancialpartnerscom.
Speaker 2:Thank you all, as always, for listening to the Early Retirement Podcast. I love getting to host these shows and make different content for you guys every single week. I've not missed a single week in years and that is because I love getting to do this. Now, please be smart about this. Before you actually execute any strategy that you see me talk about or hear me talk about, should I say Please talk to your financial advisor, your tax preparer, your estate attorney. Please be smart about this. None of this should be construed as financial advice. This is for fun, educational, informational purposes only. Once again, just quick disclaimer here. Guys, please be smart about this. Appreciate you listening, as always, and you can, of course, submit a question on my website, earlyretirementpodcastcom, If you, of course, want me to address a specific case study or topic. I will not promise I can get to it, but I respond to every single person and if I find it will be helpful for a lot of people, I will absolutely make an episode on it. At the very least give you some insight.
Speaker 2:That's it, Thanks guys.